Lunch hour run. Took a trail I thought I knew, ended up completely lost. But the view was pretty. And it was shady. And running through the woods let me pretend I was Katniss from the Hunger Games.
Times when I'm grateful to have straight hair: after I showered this morning, I was late for a doctor's appointment. So I just rolled down my car windows to use as "nature's hair dryer" on my way. Turned out kinda ok.
She said, "I want to lay down in your bed & snuggle with you because I'm a little bit tired." I thought she was joking. She wasn't.
Sweaty, no makeup, wet hair from playing with the kids in the ocean. But I still like this picture. #happy
The only way I can get Catie's picture these days is if I sneak up on her & she doesn't know I'm taking it. (And yeah, we still do milk in sippy cups when they want to take their drinks in the living room.)
Chris's daughter outgrew this My Little Pony t-shirt & gave it to Lucy. She was super-excited to wear it today.
Well, hey there, hind legs & white belly. (Looks like he's dancing, but this is his "where are my crickets, woman?" pose.)
Catie drew Spyro from Skylanders (both on a TV screen & the action figure on the portal). #gamer
School picture day for Catie. Lucy wanted in on the action too. (Texted to me by their dad.)