poobou: About to go see The Little Mermaid on stage with my girls.
poobou: I mean, really. If you're downtown long past bedtime anyway, you might as well.
poobou: She insisted on a pink donut. To match her dress. And her manicure.
poobou: Topless napping. It's all the rage.
poobou: Pokemon practice. The cat is just an observer.
poobou: Lunch hour run. Took a trail I thought I knew, ended up completely lost. But the view was pretty. And it was shady. And running through the woods let me pretend I was Katniss from the Hunger Games.
poobou: Times when I'm grateful to have straight hair: after I showered this morning, I was late for a doctor's appointment. So I just rolled down my car windows to use as "nature's hair dryer" on my way. Turned out kinda ok.
poobou: She said, "I want to lay down in your bed & snuggle with you because I'm a little bit tired." I thought she was joking. She wasn't.
poobou: My Catie
poobou: My Lucy
poobou: Catie on the beach.
poobou: Lucy on the beach.
poobou: Sweaty, no makeup, wet hair from playing with the kids in the ocean. But I still like this picture. #happy
poobou: Took my big girl roller skating.
poobou: Princesses watch princess videos on YouTube.
poobou: The only way I can get Catie's picture these days is if I sneak up on her & she doesn't know I'm taking it. (And yeah, we still do milk in sippy cups when they want to take their drinks in the living room.)
poobou: Chris's daughter outgrew this My Little Pony t-shirt & gave it to Lucy. She was super-excited to wear it today.
poobou: Well, hey there, hind legs & white belly. (Looks like he's dancing, but this is his "where are my crickets, woman?" pose.)
poobou: Catie drew Spyro from Skylanders (both on a TV screen & the action figure on the portal). #gamer
poobou: School picture day for Catie. Lucy wanted in on the action too. (Texted to me by their dad.)
poobou: Catie has taken over story time from me. I will never complain about this.