poobou: Sister-portrait & self-portrait. "I put them on the fridge so you won't miss Lucy & me when we're not here." Aww.
poobou: As close as I'm going to get to an April Fool's joke today: looking foolish in my minion t-shirt.
poobou: Catie looked so cute in her new shirt that I had to take a pic.
poobou: Lucy wanted her picture taken too, and apparently sticking one's tongue out is hilarious.
poobou: Lucy pulled on Catie's Skylanders underwear (backwards) over her pants, said, "Dis MY unner-wear!" and struck this pose.
poobou: "I make a funny face!" I do love that kid.
poobou: Lucy let me put her hair in pigtails. She looks so cute I can't stand it.
poobou: "Clap along if you know what happiness is to you." (While also giving your mom the stink eye for sneaking a pic at a red light.)
poobou: Lucy & the panda slippers that Tracy sent from her trip to Asia
poobou: Date night with my favorite guy.
poobou: Catie & the panda slippers that Tracy sent from her trip to Asia.
poobou: Catie & her panda slippers
poobou: Mimi in the "double happiness" hat
poobou: Blowing bubbles at Mimi & Pop-Pop's house
poobou: Catie in the "double happiness" hat that Tracy got for Pop-Pop.
poobou: Baller.
poobou: Lucy girl
poobou: Gratuitous "new hair color" selfie. (It's auburn-y brown. I love it.)
poobou: Easter Bunny may have gone a tad overboard this year.
poobou: My girls checking out their baskets on Easter morning
poobou: Pretty much sums up Easter morning. Catie is ecstatic. Lucy is half-asleep & confused by this whole "da bunny was in our house?" thing.
poobou: Lucy looking at her "Frozen" book. "I like her!" (points at Anna)
poobou: Catie got her Skylander & her Blu doll. Happy girl.
poobou: Lucy got a princess thermos & had to try it out immediately (she was mad it was empty)
poobou: Lucy loved her Blu (from Rio) doll, even though she almost ripped his wings off
poobou: Random nice lady at church took our picture in the lobby.
poobou: Family pic in the lobby at church
poobou: Blonde girls watching TV together. (Madagascar is on.)
poobou: Lucy dressed herself today. Sundress with strawberries & rainbow leopard print leggings. Very fashion-forward.
poobou: There's no better place to nap than on Pop-Pop in his big chair.