poobou: Dogpile on the couch. This happens more often than I thought it would with 2 girls.
poobou: Catie and me at Cracker Barrel on New Year's Day
poobou: ...then she laughed because she actually does like having her picture taken.
poobou: Lucy was pouting because she was acting like she didn't want her picture taken...
poobou: She climbed up on my lap and said, "I say cheese!" The two year-old asks for a selfie, you take a selfie.
poobou: Getting your hair washed is exhausting.
poobou: Catie at the Dinosaur Expo. (Her dad took her & sent me this pic.)
poobou: Catie at the Dinosaur Expo. (Her dad took her & sent me this pic.)
poobou: Big dino teeth!
poobou: My ex took Catie to a dinosaur show, so we've been having a "Mommy & Lucy" date. I'm gonna call it a success.
poobou: The only picture I got of Lucy when I took her to Monkey Joe's one Saturday, because she never stopped moving.
poobou: Girls in pink PJs playing on iPads. (These are a few of my favorite things...)
poobou: Snuggling together during a sad part of "Up." (And I know: Lucy's belly. That shirt can't even try to stretch over it.)
poobou: He got my birthday flowers a day early. And remembered that tulips are my favorite. #love
poobou: Fancy-pants dinner out followed by dessert in the form of Bo-berry biscuits from Bojangles. Perfect birthday evening.
poobou: Lucy & Mimi.
poobou: Me and my sweet Catie-bug. Can't believe my girl is almost 7.
poobou: Dinosaurs having lunch. Blueberries & carrots. Because, you know, they're herbivores, apparently.
poobou: Catie's birthday party at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences
poobou: Catie's birthday party at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences
poobou: Catie's birthday party at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences
poobou: Elizabeth explaining something about dinosaurs.
poobou: Catie's birthday party at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences
poobou: Petting a live snake
poobou: Austin checking out the snake
poobou: Lucy pet the snake too
poobou: I don't know how much they pay this lady to handle live snakes and alligators and all kinds of other critters, but I'm sure it isn't enough.
poobou: Fun with dry ice volcanoes
poobou: Petting the alligator
poobou: Lucy pet the alligator too (I missed the action shot on that one).