poobou: These two climbed in my bed, and they're insisting that I get up and, like, feed them & stuff. Rude.
poobou: Lucy gives my sweet potato casserole two thumbs up.
poobou: Sleepy Lucy fell asleep on the couch with her "Bobo."
poobou: Catie decorating her grandparents' (little) tree.
poobou: checking out the Christmas ornaments with Mimi
poobou: On the merry-go-round at the mall.
poobou: Camped out in line eating cookies while we wait for this mall Santa to get back from his break.
poobou: when Lucy met Santa
poobou: The Guy's birthday is tomorrow. This is part of the card Catie made for him. No lie, I almost cried.
poobou: Both of my kids look like POWs. It's just snack time, I swear. (And yeah, Lucy is wearing a toddler leash. She put it on herself. I don't know why.)
poobou: No snow angels since it's 80 degrees. Instead Lucy is a driveway chalk fairy.
poobou: Lucy got her baby doll for Christmas from my parents. She's pretty pleased.
poobou: Catie got a Spyro (Skylander) plush doll & blanket.
poobou: Opening family presents on Christmas Eve
poobou: Lucy's first reaction at seeing the baby doll my parents got her
poobou: Lucy plays Santa. "Here's you gift card!"
poobou: Catie was happy about her new toys
poobou: Lucy and me
poobou: This is my, "really? You're taking my picture now?" face
poobou: Lucy had to put her baby doll to bed
poobou: first view of the tree on Christmas morning
poobou: Lucy found her toys from Santa
poobou: snuggling with Mimi and her new Peppa Pig toys
poobou: Catie & her Transformers
poobou: Because who DOESN'T need a Hello Kitty headlamp in their stocking?
poobou: Lucy checks to see what else is in her stocking
poobou: Lucy checks to see what else is in her stocking
poobou: snuggles with Uncle Chris
poobou: my girls playing with their Christmas loot with Mandy (my brother's girlfriend)
poobou: presents all done, she climbed up on Pop-Pop & told him to turn on Peppa Pig