Somebody is having fun trying on her sister's hand-me-down princess dresses (which my mom made).
Happy that she got a good report at the dentist today. No cavities! (I, however, was not so lucky.)
Sick fever baby couldn't get comfy on any of our laps, so she decided to just pass out on the floor.
Apparently Lucy was faking me out with her recovery yesterday. Fever spiked again last night. Going to the doctor later today. Poor little goose.
Catie drew Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. And I'm pretty sure she's a better artist at 6 than I am at 37.
Catie: "I'm going to draw a picture for Lucy." (Lucy's favorite show is Peppa Pig. And she even included a muddy puddle like Peppa & George love to jump in. I know I'm bragging, but YOU GUYS.)
Catie is practicing spelling & wrote me a letter. Translation: "Dear Mom, You are the greatest mom I ever had. Love, your beautiful darling treasure." Y'all, she KILLS ME.
Catie & my mom were sitting on the floor watching TV together. I thought it was really sweet how Catie put her arm around her.