poobou: My brother and my Catie.
poobou: Somebody is having fun trying on her sister's hand-me-down princess dresses (which my mom made).
poobou: "I a p'incess, mama!"
poobou: Happy that she got a good report at the dentist today. No cavities! (I, however, was not so lucky.)
poobou: We put in flower hair clips and had to take pictures to document it.
poobou: Sick fever baby couldn't get comfy on any of our laps, so she decided to just pass out on the floor.
poobou: Apparently Lucy was faking me out with her recovery yesterday. Fever spiked again last night. Going to the doctor later today. Poor little goose.
poobou: Catie drew Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. And I'm pretty sure she's a better artist at 6 than I am at 37.
poobou: "Mama, dis my pway house!"
poobou: Stopping for Goodberry's frozen custard on a Tuesday night because why not?
poobou: The NC state fair wore my baby slap out.
poobou: State fair for the 2nd day in a row. Her mama is a sucker for corn dogs & funnel cake.
poobou: cool chick on a motorcycle
poobou: boat ride at the fair
poobou: Tilt-a-whirl! (Oh lord I'm so sick now.)
poobou: Catie: "I'm going to draw a picture for Lucy." (Lucy's favorite show is Peppa Pig. And she even included a muddy puddle like Peppa & George love to jump in. I know I'm bragging, but YOU GUYS.)
poobou: I admit, I kinda like this little face.
poobou: Catie is practicing spelling & wrote me a letter. Translation: "Dear Mom, You are the greatest mom I ever had. Love, your beautiful darling treasure." Y'all, she KILLS ME.
poobou: Went a little darker/redder for fall. Kinda in love with this hair color.
poobou: "Swing me fast, mama!"
poobou: Pony ride! Assistance provided by my brother.
poobou: Lucy & my brother on a hayride.
poobou: Sung to the tune of John Denver, "Luuuuucy on my shoulders, makes me happyyyyyy...."
poobou: Catie & my mom were sitting on the floor watching TV together. I thought it was really sweet how Catie put her arm around her.
poobou: Lucy the princess and Catie the dinosaur
poobou: Lucy the princess and Catie the dinosaur
poobou: Princess Lucy on the move
poobou: Catie the Dinosaur trick-or-treating