poobou: Everett (future brother-in-law) & my brother Chris help Catie ride her bike
poobou: Everett (future brother-in-law) & my brother Chris help Catie ride her bike
poobou: I spend years trying to make my straight hair do beachy waves, to no avail. Getting caught in a flash flood seems to be the key.
poobou: Me and my Lucy girl
poobou: "Mama, you snuggle on da couch wif' me." Can't argue with that, can I?
poobou: I got me some @2princessmama.
poobou: Lucy has discovered the iPad. And now there's one more thing for my kids to fight over.
poobou: Pop-Pop & Lucy check out the ocean
poobou: Lucy building sand castles
poobou: Miss Snaggletooth Smile digs for seashells
poobou: my girls in the sand together
poobou: Exploring the beach
poobou: Lucy playing in the beach
poobou: Lucy playing in the beach
poobou: Catie walking to the ocean
poobou: me, my mom, and Lucy (who was NOT feeling the beach)
poobou: Lucy hates the beach, so she & Mimi took a rest on the blanket.
poobou: Lucy liked being on the blanket at the beach since it didn't involve getting dirty
poobou: Lucy liked being on the blanket at the beach since it didn't involve getting dirty
poobou: Lucy tries to get the sand off herself
poobou: Lucy also liked the beach chair (again, not as messy as that whole sand/water business).
poobou: "Hey, Lucy, make a silly face for me"
poobou: "Hey, Lucy, make a silly face for me"
poobou: "Hey, Lucy, make a silly face for me"
poobou: "I tired. I go night-night on da blanket."
poobou: me and my Lucy-goose on the beach
poobou: Lucy on the beach
poobou: "I not really go night-night!"
poobou: me, Lucy & my mom on the beach
poobou: Same girl. Same ocean. Opposite coasts. Opposite seasons. Four years apart.