poobou: Lucy's hair. I don't even KNOW. (I just texted this pic to my hairdresser with "help?!")
poobou: The first time they both let me put their hair up on the same day
poobou: The first time they both let me put their hair up on the same day
poobou: Big sister walking with her little sister.
poobou: Lucy & my bra. I'm saving this one for her rehearsal dinner slideshow.
poobou: Lucy watches Bubble Guppies on The Guy's lap while Catie shows him her iPad game. #love
poobou: Found this picture of Catie in my desk at work. She was 3. I forgot she used to be this little.
poobou: Lucy dinosaur ROOOOARRR!!
poobou: Lucy dinosaur ROOOOARRR!!
poobou: Oh dear. Looks like there are dinosaurs in my bed.
poobou: Little girl got a big girl haircut.
poobou: My super cautious girl getting ready to jump off a trampoline into a pit of foam blocks.
poobou: Foam pit was a major hit.
poobou: Lucy really liked standing in front of the box fan at the Chinese restaurant tonight.
poobou: Date night with my fella. #love
poobou: Hanging with my short friend. She's a ham for the camera.
poobou: Catie & Lucy watching cartoons
poobou: Catie & Lucy watching cartoons
poobou: Indoor aquatic center on a rainy Saturday FTW. (Hard to get any non-blurry pics, they were having so much fun.)
poobou: Cut 2 inches off my hair. I feel 5 pounds lighter. Love my stylist.
poobou: Catie after her haircut
poobou: My hairstylist also cut Catie's hair. She looks so pretty I can't stand it.
poobou: Stroller nap.
poobou: It's Meet the Teacher night. Not sure if she's nervous to meet her first grade teacher or if she just missed me.
poobou: guitar lessons with Uncle Chris
poobou: guitar lessons with Uncle Chris
poobou: Lucy has a thing for popsicles
poobou: "My 'mato!" (She picked the tomato from my mom's garden)
poobou: Tomatoes are best when eaten straight out of the garden
poobou: Lucy asked for green peas for breakfast. And she's eating them. #weirdo