poobou: 15 months. 24 1/2 pounds. 100% mischief. (With her Muno doll, naturally.)
poobou: Rainy day so I brought the kids to a bounce house place. Lucy is clearly super excited.
poobou: Lucy was so excited to get the bounce house
poobou: My ridiculously tall girl bouncing like crazy
poobou: Lucy took a while to warm up to the bounce houses, but then decided she loved it
poobou: Lucy & me in the bounce house. The extra pair of legs there belong to Catie.
poobou: I have no idea what Catie just said to me, but I love this picture so much.
poobou: Lucy walked around like she owned the place.
poobou: Lucy scoping out the bounce houses.
poobou: Catie helped Lucy in the toddler bounce house
poobou: Lucy playing in the bounce houses
poobou: Lucy playing in the bounce houses
poobou: Making friends in the bounce house.
poobou: Lucy playing in the bounce houses
poobou: It's an "everybody lay on Mama & watch Yo Gabba Gabba" kind of night.
poobou: Epic face-plant tantrum brought on by the dreaded word: "BATHTIME!!" (Ironically, I can't get her out of the tub once she's in. Kids are so weird.)
poobou: I fear my baby has Donald Trump hair. The top is thin & fluffy & absurdly hilarious.
poobou: Somebody played herself out.
poobou: Catie & my mom gardening together
poobou: Catie & my mom gardening together
poobou: Catie the gardener. She & my mom planted chrysanthemums today.
poobou: Mom, could you hurry with the picture already? These flowers aren't gonna plant themselves.
poobou: happy gardener (note the zebra-print gardening gloves)
poobou: Super-serious gardening game face
poobou: stomping the dirt back down after planting
poobou: Mimi's & Catie's feet stomping dirt
poobou: Digging for fossils at the NC Museum of Life and Science
poobou: Digging for fossils at the NC Museum of Life and Science
poobou: ROAR! Catie is a dinosaur!
poobou: ROAR!