poobou: It's milk time, y'all.
poobou: Somebody was really excited about going to the park.
poobou: Queen of the Jungle Gym.
poobou: Lucy is bringing me all of her toys. I'm going to be buried alive soon. Send help.
poobou: Fever baby does not care that we're late this morning. (Poor girl.)
poobou: So, um, trying not to be alarmed, but I think there's a duck on my head. (Subtitle: I'll do anything to make my girl laugh when she's sick.)
poobou: Lucy snuggled up with her Pop-Pop (her favorite person on earth).
poobou: At Pullen Park this afternoon. They would ride these boats all day if they could.
poobou: Attack of the Lucy monster!
poobou: Good night. Sleep tight. Please, please, stay the hell asleep tonight.
poobou: Catie decided that she loves the beach
poobou: Catie decided that she loves the beach
poobou: Me & my Lucy, windblown on the beach.
poobou: Lucy was not at all sure about the beach at first
poobou: Lucy decided that the beach was not so bad after all
poobou: Lucy decided that the beach was not so bad after all
poobou: Catie jumping waves with Chris
poobou: Catie on the beach
poobou: Catie's crazy beach hair
poobou: Mimi, Catie & Chris (who blinked)
poobou: Pop-Pop & Lucy on the beach
poobou: family pic on the beach
poobou: Lucy & me on the beach
poobou: windblown baby
poobou: Seriously, Mom, the wind? What is all this about?
poobou: My girls playing in the ocean (with uncle Chris).
poobou: Lucy in the water
poobou: Catie & Chris look for shells while Lucy checks out the water
poobou: I think they both had a good time
poobou: Catie is trying to save her bucket of shells from a wave, Lucy tries to crawl away from it