poobou: A little morning couch dancing.
poobou: Bedtime bottle time.
poobou: Operation "plan the road trip around Lucy's naptime": SUCCESS.
poobou: Piano sisters. (My sister's apartment is so not kid-proofed.)
poobou: Dinner at @VillaFranUptown with the family. Lucy thinks the penne pasta is table-slapping' good.
poobou: There are worse people you could have to share a futon with.
poobou: My sister's cat Valentino is very concerned about Lucy taking his cat toy.
poobou: A little chair-walking.
poobou: Lucy coloring with Mimi
poobou: Somebody wanted to brush her own teeth this morning.
poobou: Lucy's getting her ducks in a row.
poobou: Saturday morning couch potatoes.
poobou: Catie on her first day of kindergarten!
poobou: I love that Lucy's mouth is all, "SHUT. UP. No way!"
poobou: Lucy & Catie
poobou: Lucy & Catie
poobou: A little apprehensive before school opened on the first day.
poobou: Me & my Catie bug. First day of kindergarten for year-round school.
poobou: This was how I found Lucy & her friend Miles when I walked into daycare.
poobou: Lucy's first pigtails. (Her daycare teacher did this, not me.)
poobou: My sleepy little friend here woke up screaming & won't go back to sleep. Send help.
poobou: Me & my buddy.
poobou: Some people just can't hold their milk.
poobou: "Look, Mommy, I'm sleeping too!" Um, if you say so, kid.
poobou: "Mommy, take a picture of my banana!"
poobou: Asleep on the floor. As you do.
poobou: That is a hard cheese there, Lucy.
poobou: Oh, you know, just standing up on my own. No big deal.
poobou: Grocery store balloons are the best.
poobou: After cut/color. She didn't take off that much length, but OMG I'm BLONDE!!