poobou: Day 1: morning. TGIF, y'all. #photoadayjune
poobou: Me and my Lucy-loo
poobou: Day 3: on your plate. Playing peekaboo with dishes. #photoadayjune
poobou: Someone is faking that she's asleep.
poobou: From earlier today: this face is known as the Yo Gabba Gabba Trance.
poobou: Lucy-face
poobou: Playing on Mama's bed after bathtime. (Nightly routine.)
poobou: Lucy sits on the bed and contemplates world domination.
poobou: Lucy at her one year checkup
poobou: Lucy at her one year checkup
poobou: Day 6: hat, big pimpin' style. #photoadayjune
poobou: Day 8: Not long after 6:00. #photoadayjune
poobou: School pictures came in. And then my heart exploded.
poobou: More school pics. When did Catie start looking so grown-up?
poobou: ...And more school pics. My Lucy-goose.
poobou: Day 9 (late): my view today. Brunch with my girlies. #photoadayjune
poobou: Day 10: Best part of my weekend. Solo movie night! With popcorn! #photoadayjune
poobou: Day 12: My girls from a low angle #photoadayjune . (I was on the floor, they were on the bed.)
poobou: Lucy models Mommy's headband.
poobou: Day 18: something you don't know about me. I used to be blonde. And have a tan. And pose sassily with my hand on my hip. And WOW I look a lot like my mom. #photoadayjune
poobou: My girls are apparently riveted by The Fresh Beat Band.
poobou: Catie and her pre-K graduating class (she's 3rd from the right)
poobou: Catie and her pre-K graduating class (she's 3rd from the right)
poobou: I love how bored/confused they all look.
poobou: The pre-K crowd isn't exactly known for their long attention spans.
poobou: Miss M (daycare director) giving Catie her "diploma"
poobou: Catie with Ms. Germaine (her teacher)
poobou: My pre-K graduate.
poobou: Dinner with Elmo.
poobou: First time in the Chick-Fil-A play area. Not enough Purell in the world.