poobou: This self-feeding thing is my favorite. She's all, "It's cool, mama. I got this."
poobou: Lucy splishing and splashing.
poobou: I'm a human pillow. (That brown thing she's laying on? That's my hair.)
poobou: I can almost never get a picture of Catie smiling for the camera. Victory!
poobou: Inappropriate baby.
poobou: So, this is happening. Holy Moses.
poobou: Did ya see me walking with the car, mama? Did ya?
poobou: Hahahahaha!!!! Oh, Lucy.
poobou: That's her, "mama, you so crazy" look.
poobou: Mischievous. (Yes, I am up to something. I'll tell you later.)
poobou: The reason for looking mischievous earlier... New hair!
poobou: I bought her a Sonic shirt in the boys dept. She went nuts & had to put it on immediately. My weird little nerd child.
poobou: Teething baby is unimpressed. And eating her own bottom lip.
poobou: Lucy, I know teething sucks, but can we make this the last wake-up call of the night? Mama is tired.
poobou: Lucy is all, "Um, what the heck is THAT?"
poobou: Catie wants in on the cupcake action.
poobou: Mmm... cupcake
poobou: First taste of frosting
poobou: Deciding she'd had enough of the cupcake, thanks anyway. I'll just crawl off & see what's over there.
poobou: Catie's all, "Oh hey, I'll just open Lucy's presents for her..."
poobou: "What do you mean all these presents aren't for me??"
poobou: Lucy's like, "Uh, who is this guy and why did you hand me over to him?"
poobou: Lucy & her uncle Chris
poobou: My brother is totally not looking at the camera, but I still love this picture.
poobou: Catie on a pony ride
poobou: When did she get SO TALL?!
poobou: Lucy & Beaumont are workout buddies. (It was unplugged, I promise.)
poobou: Wearing Mardi Gras beads & Pop-Pop's MS State hat. And no pants. As you do.
poobou: Attack of the Catie Monster! (Don't even ask. I have no idea either.)
poobou: Goodnight, my sweet almost-1 year-old girl.