poobou: Catie wanted to snuggle her baby sister. Lucy was less than thrilled with this idea.
poobou: For everyone who tells me what a happy baby Lucy is. I'm calling this Defendant's Exhibit A.
poobou: 9 month pediatrician appointment. The mirror is awesome.
poobou: Waiting to board a plane to fly home to my babies. I haz a tired.
poobou: Somebody is clearly super-excited that I'm home.
poobou: These two. I swear.
poobou: Beaumont is wearing Mrs. Potato Head's hat. Styling by Catie.
poobou: Ladies room self-portrait from last night.
poobou: Lucy & Pop-Pop going for a walk
poobou: Lucy & Pop-Pop going for a walk
poobou: Somebody seems to be in a good mood today.
poobou: Baby toes in the grass.
poobou: Lucy loves watching her big sister at the playground.