poobou: Pony ride. The 4 year-old's day = MADE.
poobou: Catie on a pony ride
poobou: Catie on a pony ride
poobou: Two little cows.
poobou: Elizabeth & Catie, 2 little cows
poobou: Morgan & Catie on the hayride
poobou: Catie on a tractor
poobou: Oh, you know, just sittin' in my swing on the deck. Wearing a bunny hat. No big.
poobou: tiny feets
poobou: This is the face of a baby who will not sleep. So I'm letting her burn energy in the jumparoo. Sigh.
poobou: Vaccines really wear a girl out, yo.
poobou: Sleepy pudgy Lucy
poobou: Lying on the couch watching the Lion King. Again.
poobou: This playground has chimes. She's in love.
poobou: Post-playground ice cream. We take it very seriously.
poobou: Little Lulu Ladybug
poobou: Ladybug footies
poobou: Lucy with ladybug wings
poobou: Happy baby in her Exersaucer.
poobou: Lucy gets to 2nd base in her sleep.
poobou: Worst nap buddy ever. She won't stop "talking" and let me sleep!
poobou: Since we have to get out of the house for a showing, this one & I are going for a walk.
poobou: Why does she lie here looking all cute instead of sleeping? Whyyyy???
poobou: I love the way they look at each other
poobou: Baby jeggings!
poobou: happy Catie on the merry-go-round
poobou: Catie & me on the merry-go-round
poobou: Allie & Catie at the state fair
poobou: She's on a boat!
poobou: Catie on a boat