poobou: Somebody is super-excited to see her auntie @amazinggreis in a few hours!
poobou: Somebody got tired of waiting for @amazinggreis.
poobou: Cupcakes. It's what's for dinner.
poobou: Lucy and @amazinggreis.
poobou: Fashion by Mimi. Love.
poobou: Lucy snuggling with Mimi
poobou: My Catie-bug
poobou: Captain bib-face.
poobou: The angle of this picture (giant head, tiny feet) makes me laugh.
poobou: Her new thing: patting her head & sucking her fist at the same time.
poobou: I love those cheeks.
poobou: My sweet Lucy girl.
poobou: Catie, Allie & McKenna
poobou: Catie in mid-leap
poobou: Lily (big sister), Allie & Catie
poobou: waiting her turn to jump
poobou: Grumpiest. Princess. Ever.
poobou: Mimi snuggles are the BEST.
poobou: Lucy is pretty darn psyched about the exersaucer.
poobou: Oh y'all. This girl. My heart.
poobou: Catie was singing Lucy a song
poobou: Oh yeah, I can hold my head up now. No biggie.
poobou: Catie girl in her new horsey pj's
poobou: Happy Lucy in the Bumbo
poobou: the worried eyebrows make me laugh
poobou: sad little baby in the Bumbo
poobou: Lucy loves a good Mimi nap
poobou: playing on the baby gym together
poobou: sharing secrets
poobou: Lucy loves her big sister.