poobou: Sitting on the deck with my girl while she tells me about her day.
poobou: My headache companion #1
poobou: My headache companion #2 (this one is useless).
poobou: THIRTY. EIGHT. Weeks.
poobou: Beaumont post-haircut
poobou: "Look, Mommy! I look like Lady Gaga!"
poobou: Waiting for Aunt Tracy.
poobou: 39 weeks.
poobou: Current view. See that pointy part sticking out? That's her butt.
poobou: welcome to the world, Baby 2.0
poobou: welcome to the world, Baby 2.0
poobou: welcome to the world, Baby 2.0
poobou: Lucy
poobou: Catie meeting Lucy
poobou: Mama & Lucy
poobou: Dave, Lucy & me
poobou: My Catie-bug
poobou: Lucy with her aunt Tracy
poobou: yawn!