poobou: Cool chick.
poobou: I told her I'd turn on cartoons if she smiled.
poobou: Dinner at Cracker Barrel (after dropping Daddy at the airport).
poobou: Catie self-portrait.
poobou: 7 months. Holy Moses.
poobou: Catie & my brother at brunch this morning.
poobou: She dressed herself. Clearly.
poobou: Rockin' some serious fashion at the airport.
poobou: Catie peruses the wine list with Mimi.
poobou: I asked Catie what this was. She said, "Mommy's sad face. See the tears?" Oh god.
poobou: Catie says, "Hey Chris, we're like rock stars!"
poobou: Watching Bambi again. Still requires Mommy nearby.
poobou: Chocolate chip cookie face.
poobou: Baby 2.0 at 30 weeks
poobou: Having a snack & watching Peter Pan at bedtime.
poobou: Today gets a smiley face. My cup runneth over.
poobou: Catie & Mommy's dinner out.
poobou: My girl can rock a bongo like nobody's business.
poobou: Zoned out watching cartoons.
poobou: My little prodigy.
poobou: New glasses.
poobou: Getting a haircut from Mimi is HILARIOUS...
poobou: ...until she notices that Mommy has her camera out.
poobou: Excited about her belated birthday gift from Granddad & Grandma Sue