poobou: Sea Lion in the water
poobou: Catie & a sea lion
poobou: Watching the sea lions swim by
poobou: in the fake polar bear cave
poobou: Catie & Daddy in the polar bear cave
poobou: Catie & Daddy in the polar bear cave
poobou: swimming otter
poobou: the otters were so cute, I wanted to take one home
poobou: freaky owl that wouldn't stop staring at Catie
poobou: black bear
poobou: Bison in the shade
poobou: Grizzly bear
poobou: chillin' with Tracy, having some Cheez-Its
poobou: Catie wearing Tracy's glasses
poobou: Catie at the zoo
poobou: Catie & the elephant statue near the zoo entrance
poobou: Good grief, Mom, look at the SIZE of that thing!
poobou: my brother is funny
poobou: A lion lyin' in the shade
poobou: flamingos!
poobou: Getting a horseyback ride from Tracy, checking out the flamingo exhibit.
poobou: Catie & Tracy
poobou: elephant
poobou: zebra
poobou: ostriches
poobou: giraffes
poobou: Tracy, Catie & Chris
poobou: Tracy, Catie & Chris
poobou: Tracy, Catie & Chris
poobou: My very exhausted & sweaty family