poobou: Jen (@jenbshaw) & me
poobou: me with Ali (@adil320)
poobou: Danielle (@daisyJD) double-fisting her cocktails
poobou: Krystle (@snarkykisses) & me
poobou: me and Elmo
poobou: Dora and me
poobou: You know the annoying thing about babies? They totally blink at the exact wrong second.
poobou: Annabel and me
poobou: me and Miss Jenny Grace (@grace134)
poobou: me and Jen (and Jen's awesome cleavage, HELLO!)
poobou: cab ride to LaGuardia with Lotus (@sarcasticmomlc) and Jen (@jenbshaw)
poobou: sleepy at the airport with Casey (@mooshinindy)
poobou: Happy to be home, but yes, we heart NY