poobou: Catie seriously working on the iPad
poobou: "Hey! You have a baby! In a bar!"
poobou: Elizabeth posing for the camera
poobou: Elizabeth posing for the camera
poobou: Catie refused to stop running long enough for me to take her picture
poobou: Catie running in Cat & Tony's backyard
poobou: awesome red sunset (through the trees)
poobou: getting excited for fireworks!
poobou: Catie & Elizabeth pose for me
poobou: Elizabeth & Catie, ready to see the fireworks on the 4th of July
poobou: the one halfway-cool looking picture of fireworks that I took
poobou: waiting our turn at the kids' hair salon
poobou: Catie pre-haircut
poobou: getting set up for her big haircut
poobou: snip snip!
poobou: hair dryers are funny!
poobou: post haircut
poobou: me, pre-haircut
poobou: me, post-haircut
poobou: Catie, before going to the pool
poobou: Catie, before going to the pool
poobou: Catie & her Unicorn Pillow Pet
poobou: Catie & her Unicorn Pillow Pet