poobou: the good news is that she's too young to realize what a horrible job I did on her bangs
poobou: checking out a new playground
poobou: checking out a new playground
poobou: concentration
poobou: at the playground
poobou: static hair
poobou: hi, Mommy!
poobou: Catie in my winter hat
poobou: playing dress up
poobou: happy Catie in the morning
poobou: pretty Catie with her flower
poobou: pretty Catie with her flower
poobou: Mommy & Catie
poobou: This is the smile I get when I say, "Show me your lipstick!"
poobou: I swear I didn't pose her like this, she did it herself
poobou: a very literal ROFL
poobou: a serious moment
poobou: First day of the year that we get to wear short-sleeves! Yay!
poobou: Just like her Mommy
poobou: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
poobou: watching "The Princess & the Frog" before daycare
poobou: pointing at her own big smile
poobou: I'm not sure Teenie appreciated this hug, but it was cute.
poobou: Chilling on the couch with Teenie
poobou: Post-eyebrow wax
poobou: Happy girl in the bathtub
poobou: my new Vibram FiveFingers
poobou: tiny diva
poobou: Catie at the playground
poobou: Catie at the playground