poobou: playing along with the camera (for a change)
poobou: playing along with the camera (for a change)
poobou: showing off her "lipstick"
poobou: showing off her "lipstick"
poobou: big hugs
poobou: a girl & her cat
poobou: Catie & Teenie
poobou: my little bed-headed flirt
poobou: before daycare
poobou: playing under Mommy's desk
poobou: playing under Mommy's desk
poobou: hamming it up for the camera
poobou: hamming it up for the camera
poobou: Daddy & Catie
poobou: sick girl
poobou: snow bunny in Mardi Gras beads
poobou: I have no idea what was so funny
poobou: playground! yay!
poobou: Lovin' on some playground equipment
poobou: Catie tries to work her way into the big-girl crowd
poobou: telling me "5 more minutes!' when I told her it was almost time to go.
poobou: when did she get so BIG??
poobou: trying to work her way into the big-girl crowd, again
poobou: Catie on the playground
poobou: climbing up the slide
poobou: my monkey princess
poobou: making pens into drumsticks/musical instruments
poobou: playing on the stairs
poobou: I know she's doing crazy eyes here, but my LORD I love this outfit on her