poobou: what you can't see (and I won't post) is that she was rocking this ensemble without pants
poobou: sitting at the kitchen island
poobou: admiring her birthday candle
poobou: hey Catie, how old are you gonna be on your birthday?
poobou: SO happy to see her aunt Tracy
poobou: naptime with Tracy
poobou: the day of Catie's birthday party
poobou: Catie & her birthday cake
poobou: Catie & her birthday cake
poobou: birthday cake! with dinosaurs!
poobou: a little surprised that one of her presents made noise
poobou: Catie & Mimi in Winnie the Pooh birthday hats
poobou: Chris, Tracy & Mimi all in birthday hats
poobou: opening birthday presents
poobou: tiny alligator!
poobou: kiss from Tracy
poobou: loving her little zoo buddies
poobou: loving her little zoo buddies
poobou: checking out Woody from "Toy Story"
poobou: OMG, y'all! Woody can TALK!
poobou: laughing with Mimi
poobou: sweet Catie-bug
poobou: Catie & Pop-Pop
poobou: Catie & her uncle Chris
poobou: Catie & her uncle Chris
poobou: Catie & her uncle Chris
poobou: Catie & Tracy
poobou: Catie & Tracy
poobou: loving her new toy kitchen
poobou: post-birthday party exhaustion