poobou: me looking at Twitter during Type-A Mom Conference
poobou: panel on personal blogging, comments & trolls
poobou: look at how cute Heather is up there
poobou: Room 407?
poobou: VDog & me
poobou: girl talk
poobou: me & Mrs. Flinger
poobou: me & @al_pal
poobou: @kaisermommy, @mrsflinger, me & @al_pal
poobou: me & Dave
poobou: @vdog, me & @al_pal
poobou: me & Heather
poobou: me & Angie (@alotofnothing)
poobou: me and Anissa Mayhew
poobou: @debontherocks & @anissamayhew
poobou: oh hai, Daddy dressed me & he forgot to brush my hair!
poobou: zoning out to the Wiggles on the car's DVD player
poobou: this is pretty much how I felt after it was all over, too.