poobou: shielding the sun from her eyes and still saying "cheese"
poobou: pretty girl, even with messy hair
poobou: playing in our new front yard
poobou: wish her face wasn't in the shadow
poobou: love that face
poobou: running through our yard
poobou: rockin' the blue shades
poobou: happy girl at the playground
poobou: happy girl at the playground
poobou: She likes the tunnel at the playground
poobou: She likes the tunnel at the playground
poobou: zoned out in the driveway
poobou: cute girl in her hoodie
poobou: we have found her Halloween costume
poobou: we have found her Halloween costume
poobou: playing dress-up
poobou: dressed up & chatting with Mimi & Pop-Pop on Skype
poobou: testing the stretchiness of her new hat
poobou: mismatching her seasons
poobou: mad. at. mommy.
poobou: the "ladies" have a tea party
poobou: the "ladies" have a tea party
poobou: the "ladies" have a tea party
poobou: all decked out for fall
poobou: one mitten
poobou: still mad about the one mitten
poobou: I love the blurriness around the edges
poobou: playing in the driveway
poobou: washing her hands
poobou: showing off her new coat & shoes