poobou: Dave & Catie playing with the iPhone
poobou: Dave & Catie playing with the iPhone
poobou: the toy section at Target
poobou: about an hour after she insisted, "No nap! I no tired!"
poobou: showing off her big-girl underpants
poobou: snuggled on the couch with her milk & the panda from her aunt Tracy
poobou: albuterol time
poobou: about to run away from me
poobou: playing at the kids' hair salon
poobou: playing at the kids' hair salon
poobou: playing at the kids' hair salon
poobou: not really enjoying her first salon experience
poobou: not really enjoying her first salon experience
poobou: after the haircut, all is well again
poobou: lollipop time
poobou: after the haircut
poobou: sometimes, when you're sick, you need to feel a little fancy
poobou: nap on Mama
poobou: Catie & Tony, synchronized dancing
poobou: Catie dancing at They Might Be Giants
poobou: seems like a totally reasonable place to let one's asthmatic toddler hang out, no?
poobou: Elizabeth rolls down the hill & Catie's all, "Dude, you're getting DIRTY. Ew."
poobou: Catie at They Might Be Giants concert
poobou: Elizabeth on the run
poobou: this is the face Elizabeth made when I asked both girls to smile for the camera
poobou: Catie thinks Elizabeth's silly face is funny
poobou: I love that in profile, Elizabeth looks like Bill the Cat
poobou: toddler hug
poobou: Catie at They Might Be Giants concert
poobou: Cat & Austin