poobou: Marching for Maddie
poobou: purple manicure
poobou: Elizabeth & Austin
poobou: Tracy & Catie on the March for Babies
poobou: Tracy & Catie on the March for Babies
poobou: Dave at the March for Babies
poobou: Elizabeth, Tony & Dave
poobou: I told Elizabeth to smile
poobou: Tracy & Catie on the March for Babies
poobou: Austin chillin' in his sweet ride
poobou: Marching for Babies
poobou: me, Tracy & Catie
poobou: after the finish line
poobou: my girl makes a run for the DJ booth
poobou: Catie after the March for Babies
poobou: "Mommy, I carry you" (translation: pick me up)
poobou: pouty face
poobou: Catie on Tracy's shoulders
poobou: Catie on Tracy's shoulders
poobou: Elizabeth is a SERIOUS dancer
poobou: Elizabeth in her purple ballerina dress
poobou: Dave & Catie
poobou: Dave, Catie & me
poobou: Dave, Catie & me
poobou: me, Catie, Dave & Elizabeth
poobou: Catie & me
poobou: Catie running away
poobou: Tracy playing "gotcha!"
poobou: Cat and Austin
poobou: Catie & Tracy