poobou: in her warmest sweater on New Year's Day
poobou: bundled up for the weather (it was COLD)
poobou: playing peekaboo around a tree
poobou: the nose wrinkle cracks me up
poobou: playing peekaboo around a tree
poobou: Elizabeth asleep in the car
poobou: Catie asleep in the car
poobou: Catie in her red heart sweatshirt
poobou: no idea why she was sticking her behind out like that
poobou: pretending to eat the plastic apple cart that comes with her Little People farm set
poobou: playing peekaboo with one of Dave's shirts
poobou: peekaboo with a broken shape-sorting toy
poobou: reading books in Daddy's office
poobou: her favorite activity right now: sticking her finger through clothing labels
poobou: Dave and Catie playing telephone
poobou: pre-bath, playing on the bed
poobou: Dave and Catie chatting on the iPhone
poobou: this is what happens around 5 p.m. on days when she misses her nap
poobou: moping on the couch after I woke her up from her floor nap
poobou: Catie's first snow day in NC
poobou: Dave with Becca and Catie
poobou: Dave and me on our first NC snow day
poobou: Catie & Becca
poobou: Dave and Catie in the snow
poobou: Catie and me in the snow
poobou: Catie on the sled
poobou: Catie on the sled
poobou: eh, maybe not such a fan of the sled after all
poobou: Dave and Catie in the snow
poobou: Milan, Kimberly & baby Morgan