poobou: Dave and Cate
poobou: Cate and me
poobou: Catie-girl
poobou: climbing on the booths at the restaurant
poobou: I love the stink-eye face she's making while her daddy is loving on her
poobou: Stinker and her daddy
poobou: climbing on the booths at the restaurant
poobou: she LOVED the bench-style seating
poobou: who me?
poobou: Cate in light and shadow
poobou: me, Becky & Kristy
poobou: me, Carrie & Kris
poobou: my happy little spazz
poobou: back at home, playing in the front yard
poobou: playing in the front yard
poobou: why do the best pictures always end up with the worst lighting?
poobou: clearly the barrette is doing squat at keeping her hair out of her face
poobou: going for a walk around the neighborhood
poobou: girl on the MOVE
poobou: Kris, me & Cate
poobou: Family pic
poobou: Family pic
poobou: This cracks me up because Cate & I have the same open-mouth expression
poobou: family close-up
poobou: out for a walk around the neighborhood
poobou: running to grab the camera from me
poobou: see ya later, I'm outta here
poobou: power-walker
poobou: Trying on Mommy's shoes
poobou: At the Raleigh Airport Open House