poobou: Tracy & Cate (with her new toy)
poobou: Tracy & Cate (with her new toy)
poobou: Cate & Tracy going out for a walk
poobou: kiddie playdate
poobou: kiddie playdate
poobou: Cate & Elizabeth
poobou: Cat and Cate
poobou: Cat juggling 2 toddlers
poobou: check out all my toofies!
poobou: Tony & Elizabeth reading
poobou: playing with Pop-Pop's sunglasses
poobou: my brother's face in the background cracks me up
poobou: Two Toddlers at TGI Friday's
poobou: Two Toddlers at TGI Friday's
poobou: Two Toddlers at TGI Friday's
poobou: I tried tickling Elizabeth to get her to smile for the camera
poobou: snuggling with Cate at the restaurant
poobou: This pic is only funny because we have the exact same expression
poobou: Cat & Elizabeth
poobou: Elizabeth using the chairs to play peekaboo
poobou: Cate dancing while my brother plays guitar
poobou: Cate helping her daddy play guitar
poobou: playing with my brother's camera
poobou: running around with a wooden puzzle piece in her mouth
poobou: trying to pull the puzzle piece out of Tracy's mouth
poobou: she grabbed my sister's bracelet & ring and took off with them
poobou: running around with Tracy's bracelet & ring
poobou: running away with Tracy's jewelry
poobou: Mom and Chris
poobou: me and my baby brother