poobou: look what I did all by myself!
poobou: proud of herself for climbing up on the chair
poobou: laughing at the birds overhead
poobou: playing on the deck chairs
poobou: new trick - climbing up on everything all by herself
poobou: happy dance on the deck chairs (singing too)
poobou: banging a rock on the deck table
poobou: here, Mommy, you can have the rock
poobou: lounging on the deck chairs
poobou: Cate needs a sandbox for her new bucket & pail
poobou: running with a bucket and pail
poobou: happy girl with her pail & shovel
poobou: rockin' a new 'do
poobou: ponytail girl
poobou: check out my new look (fancy barrettes and shiny shoes)
poobou: shiny shoes
poobou: I know it's raining, but I still want to go outside
poobou: Cate in her ridiculously-oversized raincoat
poobou: this is not the kind of June weather I had in mind
poobou: sleeping girl
poobou: screw you guys, I'm taking my nap here and now
poobou: check out my cool new chair
poobou: Cate and her new chair
poobou: kicking her little chair's ottoman (I don't know, she thought it was fun)
poobou: happy during cartoon time
poobou: mimicking the signs on her "Signing Time" DVD
poobou: here, my flower is broken, can you fix it?
poobou: chillin' and watching Sunday morning cartoons
poobou: happy girl in profile
poobou: inching her way over to the flower beds, hoping I won't notice