poobou: after I gave her the most uneven bang trim in the history of haircuts
poobou: pensive girl
poobou: new jeans & sweater from her aunt Tracy
poobou: the closest I got to a smile all morning
poobou: check out the baby boot-cut jeans
poobou: hey Mom, can I watch season 3 of "Lost"?
poobou: no, I will not let go of my mama's boob, thanks anyway
poobou: this is what most of my morning looked like
poobou: pouting because we won't let her play "rated M" games on the PlayStation
poobou: knee walker
poobou: this face cracks me up
poobou: the youngest Justin Timberlake fan ever
poobou: I love this outfit
poobou: baggy jeans
poobou: lord of the rings... or tupperware lids, whatever
poobou: Cate does a hand jive
poobou: caught in the pantry
poobou: about to start walking with her car
poobou: walking girl
poobou: baby on the run
poobou: walking with her Winnie the Pooh car
poobou: check her out in her khakis & sneakers
poobou: doing the knee-walk happy dance
poobou: not sure what this face is about, but it makes me laugh
poobou: bunny that the paramedics gave Cate
poobou: ballerina doll that the ER staff gave Cate