poobou: Fashion Baby
poobou: this face makes me laugh
poobou: singing to cartoon theme songs
poobou: there's the tongue we're used to seeing
poobou: mid-blink and mid-talk
poobou: Dinner with Daddy
poobou: talking loudly
poobou: trying on Daddy's knit cap
poobou: not happy about the hat
poobou: looks like she's snapping her fingers (she wasn't, just bouncing)
poobou: singing and clapping
poobou: pretty girl
poobou: yoga baby
poobou: polka-dot girl
poobou: Cate and Beaumont having a cuddle
poobou: Cate spooning Beaumont
poobou: Valentine's Day Baby
poobou: Valentine's Day baby
poobou: sacked out
poobou: finally happy (after a week-long cold)
poobou: finally happy (after a week-long cold)
poobou: She really is my daughter, after all.
poobou: breakfast time
poobou: close-up of the teeth
poobou: oatmeal cookie face
poobou: deer in the backyard
poobou: cutest. outfit. ever.
poobou: playing with remotes
poobou: baby bulldog face
poobou: her shirt says "I'm so cute it's scary"