poobou: looking at the neat magic box with all the pretty bright glowing colors
poobou: standing! not holding onto anything!
poobou: disembodied jeans
poobou: Polka-dot leggings
poobou: Liz, me and our two Baby Caties
poobou: Liz's baby Catie trying to hug my baby Catie. My baby Catie is not having it.
poobou: conked out in the high chair
poobou: pretty birthday girl
poobou: scowling at her birthday cupcake
poobou: poking the cupcake to test it out
poobou: not liking the cupcake
poobou: throwing a tantrum for her hatred of nasty, gooey frosting
poobou: rockin' the hot pink tights
poobou: she crawl-pushed her clothes hamper all the way from her room to the guest room, and was quite pleased with herself for doing so
poobou: playing with Daddy on the other side of the baby gate
poobou: playing peekaboo over the side of the bed
poobou: the huge eyes and huge tongue in this picture crack me up
poobou: check out those tonsils
poobou: birthday morning
poobou: birthday morning
poobou: singing to her Cheerios
poobou: mmm... cheerios
poobou: um, grown-ups? Hello? There's a freakin' FIRE on my high chair!
poobou: not really into the birthday cupcake scene
poobou: Dude. I do not like this flaming thing on my tray. Why don't you understand that?
poobou: very pointed stare
poobou: happy birthday girl
poobou: happy birthday girl, jumping
poobou: pretty profile
poobou: happy dance