poobou: naptime's over!
poobou: conked out with her hat all askew
poobou: two baby Caties
poobou: two baby Caties
poobou: big-eyed girls
poobou: right before poor little Miss C got her ear licked by my Miss C
poobou: looking at Liz like "hey mom, what's this kid doing to my head?"
poobou: Cate's trying to pet Catie like she does with the cats
poobou: playing her music table in the nude
poobou: nekkid!
poobou: not really into picture time
poobou: she's turning into such a camera diva
poobou: happy in the kitchen
poobou: sitting pretty
poobou: laughing at her daddy
poobou: my god those are some huge pants
poobou: watching her "Signing Time" DVD for the first time
poobou: climbing on her jumperoo
poobou: still rattling her jumperoo
poobou: trying to climb the guest room bed to get to Teenie
poobou: hmm, how can I climb up there?
poobou: If I stand here long enough, someone will come along and turn on the water.
poobou: Anxiously waiting for bathtime
poobou: grabbing her hair-rinsing cup
poobou: Mmm... yummy cup
poobou: I climbed into the (empty, dry) tub to get this picture.
poobou: playing with her seat belt strap
poobou: chatting with her precious seat belt strap
poobou: mom, what's up with the camera?