poobou: look out, she's on the move!
poobou: crawling!
poobou: posed like a painting
poobou: crawling
poobou: hey mom, gimme that camera!
poobou: close-up
poobou: blue eye
poobou: this picture was an accident but I love it
poobou: First time in the walker
poobou: first time in the walker
poobou: whatchoo lookin' at?
poobou: rockin' the pink leopard print
poobou: grabbing the fishie on her swing
poobou: this is what happens when we don't comb her hair out after her bath
poobou: it cracks me up every time she sleeps like this
poobou: first day at daycare
poobou: prune face
poobou: mmm... tasty coffee table
poobou: awfully pleased with herself for learning this new trick
poobou: standing up!
poobou: standing up!