poobou: happy!
poobou: crazy eyes
poobou: the sideways-tongue smile
poobou: about 5 seconds before she barfed all over this outfit
poobou: I swear her head isn't really THAT big, it's just the angle
poobou: wheeeee!
poobou: our little nerd baby
poobou: our little nerd baby
poobou: chillin' in her baby shades
poobou: baby nerd on the baby gym
poobou: carrot face
poobou: first taste of veggies
poobou: happy carrot face
poobou: sleeping on Mimi
poobou: laughing during tummy time
poobou: happy tummy-time
poobou: All of us with the beautiful bride
poobou: The Wilkinson Clan
poobou: sucking her thumb through my shirt
poobou: I clearly need way more black & white pictures of this child