poobou: Dave at home before we left
poobou: Turns out the mantle in our hotel room was the perfect height to take pictures of ourselves
poobou: Dave at dinner
poobou: Me at dinner - extreme close-up
poobou: Better distance
poobou: Our waitress was great, but she was a horrible photographer
poobou: See? She was awful
poobou: Ginormous tulips
poobou: Me & the tulips
poobou: Dave & the tulips
poobou: Outside the lodge
poobou: On the balcony outside of our room
poobou: me on the balcony
poobou: Aww.
poobou: View from our room
poobou: Trees at sunset
poobou: self-portrait
poobou: Complaining
poobou: quick nap
poobou: ahh, vino
poobou: Cheers!