Ponzarelli: English words telling Ancient Chinese Secrets
Ponzarelli: Ancient Chinese Secrets
Ponzarelli: My new pen!
Ponzarelli: My new toy
Ponzarelli: Westin St. Francis in SF
Ponzarelli: Our Hotel Desk at Where 2.0
Ponzarelli: Pocket PC
Ponzarelli: A little Maple
Ponzarelli: japanese maple (note: tiny seedling on the left)
Ponzarelli: PICT5604.jpg
Ponzarelli: PICT5603.jpg
Ponzarelli: Contents of one purse
Ponzarelli: Contents of one Tote
Ponzarelli: Poor lil' Pitiful Pocket PC
Ponzarelli: This made me laugh out LOUD
Ponzarelli: No Ball Stealing...
Ponzarelli: Sexy daddy, Work it, WORK IT!!!
Ponzarelli: Flower Party!
Ponzarelli: The whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Ponzarelli: It was over 6 bucks a gallon in Texas
Ponzarelli: I think Chris will pass for a kid
Ponzarelli: Ummm, is that a Channel 9 guy head?
Ponzarelli: Itty Bitty Electric Car
Ponzarelli: TV Shot