Houston Marsh: At the Copa, Copacabana!
Houston Marsh: Copacabana from above
Houston Marsh: Lots of climbing to get here - Copacabana
Houston Marsh: Woman in traditional dress lighting candles - Copacabana
Houston Marsh: Copacabana
Houston Marsh: Jean Cartier in La Paz!
Houston Marsh: La Paz
Houston Marsh: Juggling in La Paz
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Amy looking good cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Getting ready to cycle the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Taking a swig and offering pure alcohol to the gods that will keep us safe on the World's Most Dangerour Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: It's called the Death Road for a reason
Houston Marsh: Video of cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Cycling the World´s Most Dangerous Road
Houston Marsh: Shoe shiner - La Paz
Houston Marsh: Street vendor - La Paz
Houston Marsh: Palacio Legislativo - La Paz