pontiousdm: dave and rachel on gator
pontiousdm: applebees group
pontiousdm: hajnal dave and kids
pontiousdm: frank
pontiousdm: dave in creek
pontiousdm: dave dave and sarah
pontiousdm: crazy sarah 2
pontiousdm: camp staff big
pontiousdm: bridge
pontiousdm: dave michle heather and chris in treehouse
pontiousdm: heater on bridge
pontiousdm: chris eating
pontiousdm: scott and dave
pontiousdm: hajnal great face
pontiousdm: School
pontiousdm: dave and selena
pontiousdm: dave and scott tough
pontiousdm: dave and rachel at creek
pontiousdm: suzy nose
pontiousdm: scott hot stuff
pontiousdm: closing campfire 5
pontiousdm: sarah with cheryl in headlock
pontiousdm: dave and kate
pontiousdm: tree over creek small bw
pontiousdm: old tree small bw
pontiousdm: leaves small bw
pontiousdm: creek small bw
pontiousdm: camp stairs small bw
pontiousdm: boat dock small bw