pong0814: Jake with his little friend
pong0814: Charlie and Jake
pong0814: "Nice to see you again, old friend..."
pong0814: Happy Star Wars Day!
pong0814: I dream of catnip, yarn, and Christmas
pong0814: Jake and Charlie
pong0814: Jake
pong0814: Charlie
pong0814: Sean Bean: Unlucky S.O.B., Part 1
pong0814: Charlie
pong0814: Charlie
pong0814: Nap Time
pong0814: Jake
pong0814: Bird-watching
pong0814: Charlie and Jake
pong0814: Rocky
pong0814: Rocky
pong0814: (Insert maniacal laugh here)
pong0814: Computer Kitty
pong0814: Trying to come up with a scientific method to pick the winner for tonight's game
pong0814: Charlie and Jake
pong0814: Jake
pong0814: 49/52: Wolf-Man Amadeus Mozart
pong0814: Happy Holidays from Jake and Charlie!
pong0814: 45/52: Take Your Kids to Work Day 2012
pong0814: 34/52: The Middle-earth Bunch
pong0814: 33/52: Wish You Were Here
pong0814: 29/52: LEGO Minifig Olympics 2012
pong0814: "Yes, I'm comfy. Why do you ask?"
pong0814: 28/52: ALWAYS let the Wookie win!