pompomflipflop: flooded traintracks
pompomflipflop: The park around the Schuylkill is underwater!
pompomflipflop: Those were benches
pompomflipflop: Waterworks
pompomflipflop: schuylkill banks underwater, and the expressway
pompomflipflop: lampposts submerged
pompomflipflop: path down to submerged benches
pompomflipflop: riverloop & submerged banks
pompomflipflop: chestnut st bridge over troubled water
pompomflipflop: stairs to nowhere
pompomflipflop: saxby's windows taped up
pompomflipflop: tree floats by boathouse row
pompomflipflop: park benches
pompomflipflop: choppy river and overcast sky
pompomflipflop: overcast
pompomflipflop: people gather at waterworks after the hurricane
pompomflipflop: watching the choppy schuylkill
pompomflipflop: sculpture garden closed
pompomflipflop: debris accumulated in the schuylkill
pompomflipflop: benches submerged across from boathouse row
pompomflipflop: trees sway
pompomflipflop: no entrance