ebbandflo_pomomama: splashing about
ebbandflo_pomomama: making a splash
ebbandflo_pomomama: arbutus tree detail
ebbandflo_pomomama: seaside succulents
ebbandflo_pomomama: seaside suculents
ebbandflo_pomomama: view from Roe Islet
ebbandflo_pomomama: BC ferries in Active Pass
ebbandflo_pomomama: arbutus and douglas fir
ebbandflo_pomomama: trail out to Roe Islet
ebbandflo_pomomama: over the bridge
ebbandflo_pomomama: forgotten shack
ebbandflo_pomomama: the road to Roesland
ebbandflo_pomomama: fathers' day
ebbandflo_pomomama: aloft or dropping?
ebbandflo_pomomama: view from Gowland Point across the kelp beds to Washington
ebbandflo_pomomama: let's go fly a kite
ebbandflo_pomomama: Gowland Point light beacon
ebbandflo_pomomama: clump of firs at Gowland Point
ebbandflo_pomomama: clump of firs
ebbandflo_pomomama: kite flying - the novice
ebbandflo_pomomama: beach at Gowland Point
ebbandflo_pomomama: portable crafting and lunch
ebbandflo_pomomama: me on vacation!
ebbandflo_pomomama: poppies outside the cottage
ebbandflo_pomomama: poppies by the cottage
ebbandflo_pomomama: view to Port Washington Dock
ebbandflo_pomomama: Pender airport (one of three on the island)
ebbandflo_pomomama: view from dock at Port Washington