ebbandflo_pomomama: flower charm side
ebbandflo_pomomama: flower earrings hanging
ebbandflo_pomomama: flower charm whole
ebbandflo_pomomama: fools and bairns .......
ebbandflo_pomomama: fools and bairns ....
ebbandflo_pomomama: ACS pendant - glass cab set (crafting 365 d24)
ebbandflo_pomomama: ACS pendant - post firing and ready to finish off (crafting365 d23)
ebbandflo_pomomama: my portable bezel setting and pre-polishing kit
ebbandflo_pomomama: art clay pendant
ebbandflo_pomomama: art clay pendant polished and ready to tumble
ebbandflo_pomomama: all those distractions!
ebbandflo_pomomama: ebb submersion sidecut
ebbandflo_pomomama: ebb submersion pendant
ebbandflo_pomomama: ebb submersion detail
ebbandflo_pomomama: ebb submersion detail
ebbandflo_pomomama: ebb submersion reverse
ebbandflo_pomomama: fall front
ebbandflo_pomomama: fall detail (crafting365 d30)
ebbandflo_pomomama: art clay magic
ebbandflo_pomomama: crafting 365/ d72
ebbandflo_pomomama: crafting 365/ d75
ebbandflo_pomomama: glass and ACS
ebbandflo_pomomama: custom ACS pendant
ebbandflo_pomomama: fine silver sweetheart
ebbandflo_pomomama: fine silver sweetheart pendant with dichroic glass
ebbandflo_pomomama: sweetheart dark blue