ebbandflo_pomomama: the two hairy wire/felt/crochet/bead cuffs
ebbandflo_pomomama: merry christmas to me
ebbandflo_pomomama: wired cabachon
ebbandflo_pomomama: wiring detail
ebbandflo_pomomama: earrings and bracelet details
ebbandflo_pomomama: wired beach pebble
ebbandflo_pomomama: linear cat part II
ebbandflo_pomomama: mauz june 1990
ebbandflo_pomomama: week two - the bear
ebbandflo_pomomama: week two - the bear
ebbandflo_pomomama: week two - the bear
ebbandflo_pomomama: week one - the bear
ebbandflo_pomomama: week one - the bear
ebbandflo_pomomama: week one - the bear
ebbandflo_pomomama: bear week 4
ebbandflo_pomomama: bear week 4
ebbandflo_pomomama: bear week 4
ebbandflo_pomomama: paper making
ebbandflo_pomomama: paper making - the finished results
ebbandflo_pomomama: bear week 3
ebbandflo_pomomama: bear week 3
ebbandflo_pomomama: bear week 3
ebbandflo_pomomama: upcycled felted wool purse
ebbandflo_pomomama: wire crochet
ebbandflo_pomomama: v primitive screenprinting/stencil
ebbandflo_pomomama: floral art
ebbandflo_pomomama: sporran - key to colours
ebbandflo_pomomama: sporran yarn choices - greens
ebbandflo_pomomama: sporran yarn choices - green daylight
ebbandflo_pomomama: sporran yarn choices - blues