pomogalaxy: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea View-Master Cover
pomogalaxy: Professor Arronax, Conseil, and Ned Land approach the monster.
pomogalaxy: "It's man-made!",shouts Ned Land as a strange crew appears.
pomogalaxy: "You are my prisoners!", proclaims Captain Nemo
pomogalaxy: "Atomic power is the secret of the Nautilus!"
pomogalaxy: A shell kills one of the submarine's crew
pomogalaxy: With horror we watch Captain Nemo's revenge
pomogalaxy: A strange funeral under the sea
pomogalaxy: Through the salon window we see a giant octopus
pomogalaxy: The octopus holds the Nautilus in it's grip
pomogalaxy: A tentacle snatches up one of the crew
pomogalaxy: Ned Land closes in to harpoon the monster
pomogalaxy: Captain Nemo saves Ned Land
pomogalaxy: Ned dives underwater to save the crewman
pomogalaxy: "I owe you a debt," Captain Nemo tells the harpooner
pomogalaxy: The Nautilus enters an undersea tunnel
pomogalaxy: Crater Lake Base and Uranium Mine
pomogalaxy: "The lab chief has escaped," a scientist tells Captain Nemo
pomogalaxy: "This time control will detonate the atomic fuel!"
pomogalaxy: We board the Nautilus to escape the explosion
pomogalaxy: "Escape in the small boat, Ned. My debt is paid!"
pomogalaxy: Captain Nemo's secret is destroyed forever!