martapiqs: meñacoz sunset
martapiqs: apr10_sunset (2)
martapiqs: posta de sol i serralada litoral
martapiqs: posta i serralada prelitoral?
martapiqs: natural bridges sky&ocean 1
martapiqs: east_side_sunset
martapiqs: rice fields
martapiqs: returning home after a day's work
martapiqs: transfering_rice (14)
martapiqs: nearby Kindia
martapiqs: nearby Kindia
martapiqs: the boat's wing
martapiqs: setting the sail
martapiqs: foot, calabash, knife
martapiqs: Fouta - fog
martapiqs: Mt. Gangan
martapiqs: moving water
martapiqs: happily looking for bras
martapiqs: Mani singers in Nkompan, Guinea Conakry
martapiqs: fouta_from_coyah
martapiqs: aiguestortes2006 067_
martapiqs: Amitges, Aiguestortes 2006 066_
martapiqs: Grant and Emmanuel - Wunderlich
martapiqs: sat 092
martapiqs: oh, gorgeous view. Nice spot for a stop, except for the wind
martapiqs: west cliff flora, rocks and water
martapiqs: :)
martapiqs: Rocinha
martapiqs: assaig_5_marc 008
martapiqs: objects one can take to the beach