Polytelis: Not So Yellow Legs
Polytelis: A Difference of Style
Polytelis: Past the Cliffs
Polytelis: Points
Polytelis: Rail Reflected
Polytelis: Yellowlegs Portrait
Polytelis: Low and Slow
Polytelis: "Ahhh...This Feels Good!"
Polytelis: "Share?"
Polytelis: "Oooo...What Do You Have?"
Polytelis: Warbling Vireo
Polytelis: Shadows and Reflections
Polytelis: Catch of the Day
Polytelis: A Quiet Moment
Polytelis: Marsh Wren Singing
Polytelis: The Followers
Polytelis: Who Turned the Lights Off?
Polytelis: Got an Eye on You
Polytelis: Black-crowned Night-Heron in Flight
Polytelis: Morning Pelicans
Polytelis: A Nice Presentation
Polytelis: Bug Face
Polytelis: Male Northern Harrier
Polytelis: Cinnamon Teals
Polytelis: Marsh Wren
Polytelis: Takeoff
Polytelis: Allen's Hummingbird Feeding
Polytelis: Target
Polytelis: Anna's Hummingbird Feeding
Polytelis: Hesitant