polyphemus_polly: Channeling Hockney at the Met, on ipad with Apple Pencil via Paper53
polyphemus_polly: Channeling Hockney at the Met on my iPad
polyphemus_polly: Channeling Josef Albers
polyphemus_polly: Channeling Josef Albers
polyphemus_polly: Channeling Josef Albers
polyphemus_polly: Channeling Josef Albers
polyphemus_polly: Channeling Josef Albers
polyphemus_polly: Birdwatching in Egypt, at the Met NYC
polyphemus_polly: Female wood figure from Papua New Guinea, drawn at Met in NYC
polyphemus_polly: Bamboo structures, drawn at Met exhibit
polyphemus_polly: Bamboo art at the Met. IPad practice.
polyphemus_polly: A bamboo wave, drawn at the Met
polyphemus_polly: Drawing Bamboo magic at the Met